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Ammonia Nitrogen Removal of Three Kinds of Wetland Substrates

作  者: (方伟成); (黄祈栋);

机构地区: 东莞理工学院城市学院,广东东莞523419

出  处: 《山东化工》 2017年第16期188-190,共3页

摘  要: 填料是人工湿地除氮的主要组成部分,采用动态吸附试验,测定了轻质砖、陶粒和红砖三种填料对氨氮去除效果,研究表明,填料基质粒径越大,氨氮的去除率越小;对不同浓度的氨氮废水,轻质砖的去除率在80%左右,陶粒在25%左右,红砖波动较大;曝气有利于填料对氨氮的去除,其增幅依次是陶粒(20.84%)>红砖(10.62%)>轻质砖(7.71%);填料对氨氮的解吸率大小依次为轻质砖(57.32%)>红砖(43.67%)>陶粒(24.76%),研究显示,轻质砖适合作为人工湿地除氮填料。 Packing is the main component of nitrogen removal in Constructed Wetlands,By dynamic adsorption test,the paper studied the removal efficiency of three kinds of fillers such as light brick,ceramsite and red brick,research shows that the substrates particle size increasing,the removal rate of ammonia was small,with the ammonia nitrogen wastewater of different concentration,the light brick removal rate was around 80%,the ceramsite was about 25%,the red brick fluctuation was fluctuation; aeration was conducive to substrates to remove ammonia nitrogen,which was followed by an increase of ceramsite( 20. 84%) red brick( 10. 62%) light brick( 7. 71%),the rate of ammonia desorption on substrates was followed: light brick( 57. 32%) red brick( 43. 67%) ceramsite( 24. 76%). Consequently,light brick is appropriate suitable for constructed wetlands of the nitrogen removal.

关 键 词: 人工湿地 填料 氨氮 去除率


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机构 华南理工大学理学院数学与应用数学系
机构 华南理工大学


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