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Effect of Group Sandplay Therapy on Challenge-hindrance Stress of ICU Medical Staff

作  者: (常淑莹); (贺春艳); (杨小平);

机构地区: 河南省人民医院,河南郑州450003

出  处: 《中国医学创新》 2017年第26期77-81,共5页

摘  要: 目的:探讨团体沙盘游戏对ICU医护人员挑战性-障碍性压力的影响,为减缓ICU医护人员的工作压力、提高主观幸福感提供依据。方法:选取郑州市三级甲等医院ICU医护人员67名,按照随机数字表法分为干预组(n=33)和对照组(n=34)。干预组常规音乐放松训练配合团体沙盘游戏训练,对照组常规音乐放松训练。干预前后分别采用挑战性-障碍性压力源量表、Campbell幸福感量表对两组进行评定,对评定结果进行比较。结果:干预前两组挑战性-障碍性压力源量表、Campbell幸福感量表得分比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预后干预组障碍性压力程度、消极应对方式均低于干预前,而幸福感指数和生活满意度均高于干预前,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:团体沙盘游戏对ICU医护人员的挑战性压力有促进作用,对降低障碍性压力有积极的作用;而且团体沙盘游戏可以帮助医护人员换位思考,改变认知,积极应对挫折,增加职业获益感和主观幸福感,提高工作效率,构建和谐医患关系有积极的作用,值得推广。 Objective: To study the effect of group sandplay therapy on challenge-hindrance stress of ICU medical staff, to provide the basis for relieving the pressure of ICU medical staff and improve their subjective happiness.Method: A total of 67 ICU medical staff from third-grade class-A hospital of Zhengzhou were selected and divided into the intervention group ( n=33 ) and the control group ( n=34 ) according to random number table method.The intervention group was arranged to receive both routine music relaxation training and group sandplay therapy, while the control group was arranged to receive only routine music relaxation training.Challenge-hindrance stressor scale and Campbell happiness scale were used to measure challenge-hindrance stressor and happiness of two groups respectively.Scores were collected and compared.Result: Before intervention, there were no satistically siznificance in scores of challenge-hindrance stressor scale and Campbell happiness scale of two groups ( P〉O.05 ) .After intervention, the level of obstruction stress and negative coping style of the intervention group were lower than those of before and the level of happiness and professional sense of benefit were higher than those of before, the differences were statistically significant (P〈0.05) .Conclusion: Group sandplay therapy has effects on increasing chanllenge stress and decreasing hindrance stress of ICU medical staff.What's more, it helps medical staff to learn how to apply transpositional consideration into their work and change cognition.It has a positive impact on helping medical staff cope with setbacks actively and increase their level of happiness and professional sense of benefit, building a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients, improving their work efficiency.This study has proved that group sandplay therapy is worth of popularization.

关 键 词: 团体沙盘游戏 医护人员 挑战性 障碍性压力


作者 陈静
作者 郑艺群
作者 罗雅丽
作者 邱锦辉
作者 苏永锋


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学国际商学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚