作 者: (魏琳);
机构地区: 四川警察学院,四川泸州646000
出 处: 《四川警察学院学报》 2017年第3期99-105,共7页
摘 要: 目前,公安基层派出所的功能在逐渐完善,但治安形势仍然严峻,其工作面临多重挑战,存在治安防范职责弱化、打击职能被泛化、社区警务空壳虚化、服务职能偏移等问题。这些问题的存在使得派出所职能定位不准。应从以下几个方面改进派出所的工作:明确派出所职能职责,突出其重点;实施科学考核,引导派出所工作重心归位;理顺关系,为派出所松绑减负;专业队与派出所齐抓并举,实现打防双赢;修正服务范围,最大限度释放警力;加强指导培训,提升民警综合素质;落实保障激励机制,提供发展动力。 At present, the function of police stations is gradually improving, but the current public order state is still serious. The function of police station faces multiple challenges and problems, such as weakened security guard duties, generalized combat functions, empty community policing and skewed service functions, which result in its incorrect positioning. Some measures are suggested, such as clear duties, scientific evaluation and motivation system construction, etc.