机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院,广州510420
出 处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2017年第3期29-35,共7页
摘 要: 不同于英语体动词,汉语体动词(开始、保持、持续、继续、重复、恢复、终止、停止等)都属于达成动词,而汉语体动词短语则属于转换型达成动词。汉语体动词的语法地位属于谓词性的彻底控制动词,不仅能够为其后接的补足语子句引入特定体意义,而且能够体现后接子句所指涉事件的不同时间段。同时,子句的λ-转换使PRO获得涉己解读,与主句主语实现索引同指,也契合了"句法-语义同构"观点。 Chinese aspectual verbs are different from those in English. This paper proposes eight Chinese aspectual verbs : kaishi, baochi, chixu, jixu, chongfu, huifu, zhongzhi and tingzhi, all of which belong to predicative control verbs. Aspectual verbs can not only introduce aspectual meaning for its followed clause, but also exhibit the specific time span of the denoted event of the subclause. Meanwhile, the -conversion enables PRO's indice to be co-indexed with de se reading, conforming to the "syntax-semantics isomorphism" requirement.