机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学金融学院,广州510006
出 处: 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2017年第3期12-22,共11页
摘 要: 近年来,发展中间业务成了中国各商业银行转型过程中的重点目标。通过对国内13家商业银行的实证分析,运用二次模型,考察中间业务水平对商业银行经营绩效的影响。由此发现:中间业务收入水平对中国商业银行的经营绩效的影响并非线性关系,而是呈现"倒U型",并估计出一个适度区间,中间业务水平在该区间内,对商业银行经营绩效的积极作用最大。同时,国有商业银行的中间业务水平尚在适度区间内,而股份制商业银行的中间业务收入水平大多超过了该区间,因此中间业务收入发展对国有商业银行起到了积极作用,对股份制商业银行产生了抑制作用。 Recently, developing the intermediary business is becoming one of the most important targets of domestic commercial banks. Based on the empirical analysis of 13 commercial banks in China, this paper finds the effects of intermediary business on the performance of commercial banks is not linear but inverted U type and estimates a moderate range. In this range, the intermediary business income level can play a positive role in improving operating performance of banks. In China, the intermediary business income level of State-owned commercial banks is in the range, however, the intermediary business income level of jointstock commercial bank is beyond this range. Therefore, the intermediary business income level has a positive impact on State-owned commercial banks, but has a negative impact on joint-stock commercial banks.