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Degradation Characteristics of Different Mulch and the Effect on Potato Yield

作  者: (李海萍); (周杨全); (靳拓); (王永显); (阮桂丽); (李妍超); (孙亚萍);

机构地区: 青岛市农业环保能源工作站,山东青岛266000

出  处: 《中国农学通报》 2017年第24期36-40,共5页

摘  要: 为探究不同类型降解地膜的降解特征及其对土壤温度、水分和马铃薯产量的影响,在即墨市蔬菜科技示范园进行了不同类型降解地膜覆盖马铃薯栽培试验。结果表明:全生物可降解膜的降解效果较好,0.006、0.008、0.010 mm的全生物可降解膜在收获前的降解程度已分别达到5级、4级和3级,而普通PE地膜降解效果只达到了1级。全生物可降解膜有较好的增温保墒作用,但增温保墒性能较PE膜差。对不同地膜覆盖的地块进行马铃薯产量测定,0.006、0.008、0.010 mm全生物可降解膜及PE膜与未覆盖地膜相比,分别增产12.9%、33.3%、33.6%、14.9%。试验结果表明:全生物可降解膜覆盖可以提高土壤温度和马铃薯产量,且自身降解程度较快,无需再增加人工清理费用,对环境的污染较小。综合考虑不同厚度全生物可降解地膜的价格等因素,0.008 mm厚度全生物可降解地膜更适合青岛地区马铃薯生产使用,对马铃薯有明显增产作用,同时也为残膜污染治理提供替代产品,有利于控制农业面源污染。 A field trial was conducted to study the degradation characteristics of different mulch and the effecton soil temperature, moisture and yield of potato in Jimo Vegetable Science and Technology DemonstrationPlot. The results showed that the degradation effect of bio-degradable film was the best, the degradation levelof 0.006, 0.008 and 0.010 mm bio-degradable film reached 5, 4 and 3 grade before harvest, while the PE filmonly degraded to the level of grade 1. Bio-degradable film had better effect on raising temperature andretaining moisture, but less than that of PE film. Compared with no film treatment, 0.006, 0.008 and 0.010 mmbio-degradable film and PE film could increase the yield by 12.9%, 33.3%, 33.6% and 14.9%. The resultsindicated that bio-degradable film increased soil temperature and potato yield, degraded fast, had no artificialcleanup cost and had less pollution. Considering the price of different types of bio-degradable films, 0.008 mmis more suitable for potato planting in Qingdao, which has obvious yield-increasing effect and could offersubstitute products of membrane pollution regulation, and is benefit to control agricultural non-point sourcepollution.

关 键 词: 全生物可降解膜 土壤水分 土壤温度 马铃薯 产量


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