作 者: (李栋);
机构地区: 中南财经政法大学法学院
出 处: 《华中科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第5期66-75,共10页
摘 要: 作为一种叙事的传统,西方在历史上始终关注中国法形象。18世纪启蒙时代,中国法形象在西方启蒙思想家那里出现了争议:一派极力称赞中国法,另一派则倾向于否定中国法。面对争议,德国古典哲学家黑格尔敏锐地发现了这一问题,并通过自己严密的理论彻底否定了中国法。经过黑格尔的理论分析及其批判,中国法的正面形象在西方宣告终结。 As a kind of tradition of narrative,the West has always been concerned about the image of Chinese law in history. In the 18 th century Enlightenment,the image of Chinese law appeared controversy among Western Enlightenment thinkers: On one hand,Chinese law was greatly praised; on the other hand,there is a tendency to deny Chinese law. Faced with controversy,the German classical philosopher Hegel keenly discovered the problem and completely denied the Chinese law through his own rigorous theory. After the theoretical analysis of Hegel and his criticism,the positive image of Chinese law ended in the west.