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基于Open DSS的配电网低电压问题治理优化策略研究
Researches on the Optimization Strategy for Low Voltage Management in Three Phase Power Distribution Networks Based on Open DSS

作  者: (刘明忠); (洪扬); (刘佳钰); (顾晨临); (张宏图); (曾方迪); (滕予非); (宁联辉);

机构地区: 国网四川省电力公司电力科学研究院,四川成都610072

出  处: 《电网与清洁能源》 2017年第7期64-72,共9页

摘  要: 电压质量低和系统网损较大是困扰偏远地区配电系统的两个主要问题,也是近几年配电网研究的重点。基于美国电科院(EPRI)开发的Open Distribution System Simulator(Open DSS)平台,进行了三相不平衡配电系统的潮流计算,分析了三相平衡负荷与不平衡负荷对电压和有功网损的影响。以Matlab为平台,设计了Open DSS的COM接口,使得在Matlab程序中能够反复调取Open DSS对配电网进行三相潮流计算,由此建立了配电网无功优化和低电压治理决策模型,将电压分段罚函数引入扩展的无功优化目标函数中,并将高斯罚函数用于处理无功优化变量,使得最终得到的解尽可能地逼近离散值。基于粒子群优化算法(PSO)实现了无功优化问题的求解。实际仿真算例验证了所建立的无功优化模型和算法的有效性与可行性。 Low voltage and high power losses are two main problems existing in the distribution network in remote areas, which are also a focus of the distribution network research in recent years. To solve those problems, typical events of low voltage in the distribution network need to be analyzed and similarities to be identified. Moreover, the general optimization model for low voltage needs to be set up and improving strategies to be put forward. Based on the Open Distribution System Simulator (DSS) platform developed by the American Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), this paper analyzes the impacts of the 3-phase unbalanced and 3-phase balanced loads on the voltage and active power loss. With Matlab as the main platform, the Com interface of the Open DSS is designed so that the 3-phase power flow calculation of the distribution net- work performed by the Open DSS can be retrieved repeatedly to build the decision-making model for reactive power optimization and low voltage control. The voltage piecewise penalty function is introduced into the objective function of reactive power optimization and Gauss penalty function is used to deal with reactive power optimization variables to make the final solution approximate discrete values. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to solve the problem of reactive power optimization. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed reactive power optimization model and algorithm are verified by practical simulation examples.

关 键 词: 配电网低电压治理 高网损 粒子群算法 无功优化


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机构 广东工业大学


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