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Multicenter epidemiological investigation of hospitalized elderly, young and middle-aged patients with severe burn

作  者: (汤勇); (王良喜); (谢卫国); (申传安); (郭光华); (陈俊杰); (韩春茂); (任利成); (褚志刚); (尹美芳); (王园); (张东霞); (黄跃生); (张家平);

机构地区: 第三军医大学西南医院全军烧伤研究所,创伤、烧伤与复合伤国家重点实验室,重庆400038

出  处: 《中华烧伤杂志》 2017年第9期537-544,共8页

摘  要: 目的对比分析近年来我国老年和中青年严重烧伤住院患者的流行病学特征,为老年严重烧伤的预防与救治提供参考依据。方法依托“临床多中心严重烧伤流行病学病例数据与生物样本录入系统”,收录8家笔者单位2012年1月-2015年12月收治的18岁以上严重烧伤住院患者的病历资料。将615例年龄大于18岁且小于或等于65岁的患者划分为中青年组,将82例大于65岁的患者划分为老年组,分别统计如下指标:年龄、性别、居住地、教育程度、致伤原因、致伤场所、致伤季节、烧伤总面积、Ⅲ度烧伤发生情况和面积、致伤部位、吸入性损伤发生情况及严重程度、伤后入院时间、延迟复苏比例、切削痂植皮手术比例、伤前系统疾病和住院期间系统并发症,住院天数、治疗结局与放弃治疗原因。对数据行χ^2检验、Mann-Whitney U检验。对比老年组患者相对于中青年组患者在伤前系统疾病、住院期间系统并发症及不良结局中的比值比。结果(1)2组患者均以男性居多,但中青年组中男性患者所占比例更高。2组患者性别分布差异明显(χ^2=18.727,P〈0.001)。2组患者均以农村患者居多,但老年组农村患者所占比例更高。2组患者居住地分布差异明显(χ^2=9.306,P=0.002)。中青年组患者以中等教育者居多,老年组患者以初等教育者居多。2组患者教育程度分布差异明显(χ^2=146.797,P〈0.001)。(2)2组患者最常见的致伤原因均为火焰烧伤,但老年组患者火焰烧伤比例更高。2组患者致伤原因分布差异明显(χ^2=25.063,P〈0.001)。中青年组患者的主要致伤场所为公共场所,老年组患者的主要致伤场所为私人住宅。2组患者致伤场所分布差异明显(χ^2=46.313,P〈0.001)。中青年组和老年组患者最常见致伤季节分别为夏季和冬季。2组患者致伤季节分布差异明 Objective To compare and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized elderly, young and middle-aged patients with severe burn in recent years, so as to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of elderly patients with severe burn. Methods Relying on the entry system of epidemiological case data and biological sample of severe burn from muhieenter in clinic, medical records of patients with severe burn, aged above 18, hospitalized in 8 burn wards from January 2012 to December 2015 were collected. Six hundred and fifteen patients who were more than 18 years old and less than or equal to 65 years old were included in young and middle-aged group ( YM). Eighty-two patients aged more than 65 years old were included in elderly group (E). Data of age, gender, residence, education level, cause of injury, location of injury, season of injury, total burn area, occurrence and area of full-thickness burn injury, wound site, inhalation injury incidence and severity, post burn admission time, proportion of delayed resuscitation, proportion of esehareetomy or tangential excision and skin grafting, preinjury systemic disease, sys- tem complication during hospitalization, length of hospital stay, outcome of treatment, and reason of abandoning treatment of patients were analyzed. Data were processed with chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test. The odds ratios of preinjury systemic disease, system complication during hospitalization, and adverse out-come of patients in group YM were compared with those in group E. Results ( 1 ) The majority of patients in the two groups were male, but the proportion of male patients in group YM was higher. There was statistically significant difference in gender distribution of patients between the two groups ( χ^2= 18. 727, P 〈 0. 001 ). The majority of patients in the two groups were from rural areas, but the proportion of rural patients in group E was higher. There was statistically significant difference in residence distribution of patients between

关 键 词: 烧伤 老年人 流行病学研究 多中心研究 预防


作者 秦景
作者 谭兰兰
作者 丁健毅
作者 陈燕珍
作者 顾书


机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 五邑大学经济管理学院
机构 广东金融学院
机构 广州医科大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚