机构地区: 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海201306
出 处: 《教育教学论坛》 2017年第42期190-191,共2页
摘 要: 教学成果是反映高等教育教学效果和质量的重要指标。上海海洋大学海洋渔业科学与技术专业是学校的传统重点专业,本文以该专业的教学改革实践为例,分析了该专业历年获得国家级、省市级教学成果奖的建设经验,为进一步选择和培育优秀的教改成果提供参考。 Teaching achievement is an important index to reflect the effect and quality of higher education. Marine fishery science and technology is the traditional major specialty in Shanghai Ocean University,through taking the specialty's educational reform for example,this paper analyzes the specialty's experience of winning the national, provincial and municipal teaching achievement award over the years,which is to provide reference for further selection and cultivation of outstanding achievements in educational reform.