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Overview onInversion Algorithm for Precipitation Measurement with Synthetic Aperture Radar

作  者: (谢亚楠); (周明亮); (刘志坤);

机构地区: 上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海200436

出  处: 《遥感技术与应用》 2017年第4期624-633,共10页

摘  要: 全球降雨量作为整个大气能量传输的重要媒介之一,对气象与水文方面研究以及在人类的日常生活中发挥着不可替代的作用。合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)等星载高分辨率的微波遥感技术的发展,为提高降雨测量的精确度提供了机遇,因此研究利用SAR测量降雨的算法很有意义。首先,介绍了归一化雷达散射截面模型等基本测雨理论;然后,在此基础上重点介绍分析了基于统计的定向模型反演算法、基于沃尔塔积分方程反演算法、基于面散射衰减量分布反演算法、改进的回归经验算法以及基于统计和沃尔塔积分方程的定向模型反演算法,并对上述5种算法反演应用进行了阐述;最后,结合当前SAR测量降雨量反演算法中存在的问题进行了归纳总结,并指出后续工作应该朝着减小算法仿真误差,提高SAR测量降雨量精度方向发展。 Global precipitation which is an important intermediary in the entire atmospheric energy transportation plays an irreplaceable role in meteorological,hydrological research and human's daily life.With the rapidly development of the high resolution spaceborne microwave remote sensing technology,including the synthetic aperture radar technology,agreat opportunities are provided to improve the measurement precision degree of the rainfall rates,therefore a good study to make use of the rainfall inversion algorithms based on the SAR is a very meaningful guide for people's daily life.Firstly,this paper introduced the basic rainfall rates theories including the normalized radar cross section model,and then analyzed the Model-oriented statistical inversion algorithm,the Volterra integral equation inversion algorithm,the Surface-scattering reference attenuation inversion algorithm,the Modified regression empirical algorithm and the Model-oriented statistical and Volterra integration statistical inversion algorithm.Meanwhile,a detailed explanation for these above algorithm's applications were illustrated simultaneously.Finally,the existing problems combined with the current SAR measuring rainfall inversion algorithm were summarized,and a promising direction of the future work about this crucial issues that a reduction algorithm simulation errors and an improvement of the rainfall measurements accuracy based on the SAR technology were also put forward.

关 键 词: 合成孔径雷达 降雨量 归一化雷达散射截面 反演算法




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