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Response of the Soil Enzyme Activities to Lithology in Central Area of Guizhou

作  者: (符裕红); (彭琴); (李安定); (黄宗胜);

机构地区: 贵州师范学院化学与生命科学学院,贵阳550018

出  处: 《湖北农业科学》 2017年第16期3070-3073,3077,共5页

摘  要: 选择黔中喀斯特地区6种不同岩性(玄武岩、石英砂岩、长石石英砂岩、变余砂岩、第四纪红色黏土、煤系砂页岩)发育的土壤为研究对象,通过采样并测定其土壤酶活性指标、土壤肥力指标,分析土壤酶活性及其与肥力因子的关系。结果表明,(1)土壤酶活性对岩性的响应,除淀粉酶外,其他土壤酶活性指标均存在明显差异;(2)玄武岩发育的土壤酶活性表现最好,脲酶、过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶活性最高;(3)土壤酶活性与所对应的肥力因子间密切相关。 Taking six different type of rocks soil(basah, quartz sandstone,feldspar quartz sandstone,palimpsest sandstone,qua- ternary red clay,coal measure arenaceous shale) in the karst region of central Guizhou as the research object,through the sampling and determination of the index of soil enzyme activity and soil fertility factors ,the soil enzyme activity and its relationship with fertility factors were analyzed. The resuks showed that: (1)Response of soil enzyme activities to lithology,in addi- tion to starch enzyme,the other soil enzyme activity index showed very obvious differences; (2)Soil enzyme activity of basalt development was the best performing,and urease,catalase,polyphenol oxidase activity were the highest; (3)Soil enzyme activity and the corresponding fertility factors had the close realationship.

关 键 词: 土壤酶活性 肥力因子 岩性 黔中喀斯特地区




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