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The Study on the Management System and Performance of State——Owned Enterprises in Nanjing Interim Government of China

作  者: (肖春明);

机构地区: 中国社会科学院经济研究所,北京100000

出  处: 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期58-65,共8页

摘  要: 辛亥革命后,民国南京临时政府成立。随新政体应运而生的经济管理体制,带来了经济领域的制度变革,由制度设计、法律规章、管理政令等组成的正式规则,释放了国家干预经济的重要信号;非正式规则层面,临时政府积极鼓励发展实业,并倡导实业国有,朝野上下舆论对兴办实业、发展国有企业的鼓吹塑造了发展实业和支持兴办国有企业的价值取向。但是南京临时政府在面对军事、财政压力,政治强制力薄弱、代理人条件先天不足,制度体系的影响大都停留在思想意识层面,很难转化成制度绩效。经济绩效方面,在正式规则的激励与非正式规则的倡导下,国有矿业企业多有兴办,部分企业经济效益良好;但临时政府处于政治军事斗争之中,政府内部仅是形式上的统一,民国南京临时政府对国有企业的管理意志基本无法转化为现实效果,政治绩效无从谈起。 After the Revolution of 1911, the Interim Government of NaMing was established. The economic management system which came into with the new political system, brought about changes in the economic system. The formal regulation which was composed of the system design, laws and regulations, administrative decrees, sent a powerful signal on the state intervention in the economy. On the side of informal regulation, the government actively encouraged the development of industry, and advocated the state-owned industry. The public opinion on the industrial projects, the positive establishment of state-owned enterprises, shaped the value orientation of development of industry and support the establishment of state-owned enterprises. However, under the pressure of military and finance, the political coercive power of the Nanjing Provisional Government was weak. The agent conditions were congenitally deficient. The impact of institutional system which mostly remained in the ideology, was difficult to translate into institutional performance. In the aspect of economic performance, some state-owned mining enterprises had been set up, with the incentive of formal and informal regulation,. Some enterprises have good economic returns. However, the interim government of Nanjing which was in political and military struggle, achieved only superficial reunification. The management of state-owned enterprises will not be able to translate into practical results. It was impossible to obtain political performance.

关 键 词: 南京临时政府 国有企业 管理制度 绩效


作者 孙利
作者 施少斌
作者 王学工
作者 马作武
作者 王业兴


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚