作 者: (靳秀兰);
机构地区: 北京体育大学运动人体科学学院,北京100084
出 处: 《教育教学论坛》 2017年第43期137-138,共2页
摘 要: 新教学大纲实施后,术科院(系)学生的《运动解剖学》的教学时数相对减少。学生觉得这门课的概念抽象、枯燥无味、难学难记,所以失去了学习兴趣。本研究着眼于《运动解剖学》课堂教学的困难,为提高学生的学习兴趣,精简教学内容以适应课时缩减的要求,相继尝试了巧设导语、激疑提问、多媒体课件辅助教学、化繁为简、板图演示、箭头连接、肢体演示、恰当比喻等十余项课堂教法新设计,鼓励学生参与教学过程,因材施教地进行教学改革实验,取得了比较好的效果。 Teaching hours of sports anatomy for athletics-major students have decreased since the implementation of new syllabus. Students feel that concepts of sports anatomy is abstract,boring and difficult to-understand and remember. Some even lose the interest in learning. This study aims at resolving difficulties in classroom teaching of sport anatomy and raising students' interest. For this purpose,teaching content was condensed to fit the decreased teaching hour and a dozen of new teaching methods were designed and applied to encourage students' participation into teaching and experiment reaching reform in accordance with students' aptitudes,including skillfully designed introduction, encouraging doubts and inspiring thinking,multimedia courseware,simplification of complex concepts,graphs and arrow diagram,physical demonstration and analogy and metaphor. The study harvested satisfactory results.