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“Flouring the Ethnic Minorities”:The Ethnic Policy of the Red Army in the Tibetan areas of Yunnan

作  者: (尹仑);

机构地区: 云南省社会科学院民族文学所,云南昆明650034

出  处: 《学术探索》 2017年第9期110-114,共5页

摘  要: 红军长征期间,红二、六军团途经云南藏区,在其颁布的布告和纲要中提出了"兴盛番族"的民族政策。本文梳理"兴盛番族"民族政策形成的历史背景,揭示其形成过程,认为"兴盛番族"民族政策包括宗教和风俗习惯政策、统一战线政策、群众路线政策、尊重和保护民族利益政策、民族团结与平等政策等。"兴盛番族"不仅是红军在长征过程中一项因地制宜的民族政策,更是红军最终取得万里长征胜利的保障,对后来中国共产党的民族政策产生了一定的影响。今天,"兴盛番族"民族政策对维护中国作为一个统一多民族国家的团结、稳定和发展仍然有着重要和积极的意义。 During the long march of the Red Army, the 2nd and 6th Corps of the Red Army passed through the Tibetan areas of Yunnan, and in its proclamation and outline, the ethnic policy of flourishing the ethnic minorities" was put forward. Through the study of the historical background and the process of formation and development, this paper argues that the ethnic policy includes five parts: religion and customs policy, united front policy, mass line policy, respecting and protecting interests policy, unity and equality policy. "Flourishing the ethnic minorities" was not only a series of ethnic policies launched to accord to local condi- tions, but also the guarantee for the victory of the long march, and it had a certain influence on the later China Communist party's ethnic policy. Today, the ethnic policy of "flourishing the ethnic minorities" by the red army still has important and positive sig- nificance in safeguarding China's unity, stability and development as a unified multi - ethnic country. And it provides a historical basis for the construction of the destiny community of the Chinese nation in the new historical period as well.

关 键 词: 长征 藏族 民族政策 中华民族命运共同体


作者 魏乐平
作者 方汉群
作者 叶长茂
作者 周方银
作者 鞠海龙


机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 香港中文大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚