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The Ethnic Policy and Practice of C.P.C. in the Long March of the Red Army and Its Enlightenment

作  者: (张巨成);

机构地区: 云南大学历史与档案学院,云南昆明650031

出  处: 《学术探索》 2017年第9期103-109,共7页

摘  要: 红军长征时期,中国共产党第一次把民族工作提到了决定中国革命的前途和命运的高度。中国共产党主张建立公正平等的共产主义社会的政治主张和理想信念、主张民族平等的民族政策,是中国共产党和红军在少数民族地区赢得民心、获得支持的关键文化因素。今天治理好、发展好当代边疆民族地区,必须坚持党的领导,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,认真贯彻落实党的民族政策,发展社会主义民主政治;要弘扬红军长征精神,切实维护边疆民族地区经济、社会的公正平等。边疆民族地区的管理或治理,不能忽视广大农村的"分散的个体经济"形态。 During the long march of the Red Army, the Communist Party of China attached great importance to ethnic work and lifted it, for the first time, to the height that could decide the future and destiny of the Chinese revolution. It held the political i- deal and belief to build a fair and equal communist society, and implemented the policy of ethnic equality, which were the key euhural factors helping the CPC and the Red Army win popularity and support in the minority areas. Enlightenment gained from the practice of the CPC and the Red Army in the long march will contribute to the governance and development of the frontier mi- nority areas nowadays. We should adhere to the leadership of the party, uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autono- my, conscientiously implement the party's ethnic policies, and develoP socialist democratic politics in the minority areas, Be- sides, we should carry forward the spirit of the long march of the Red Army, and earnestly safeguard the economic and social e- quality in the frontier minority areas. Last but not least, in the management and governance of the frontier minority areas, the "scattered small - scale peasant economy" in the vast rural areas cannot be ignored.

关 键 词: 红军长征 中国共产党 民族政策


作者 方汉群
作者 刘自良
作者 梁茂春
作者 徐攀
作者 刘儒


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东省委党校
机构 深圳大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚