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A Preliminary Study on the Curriculum of Sport Anthropology in Universities——Based on the Comparison of anthropology Curriculum Design between Sun Yat-sen University and Michigan State University

作  者: (凌雅燕); (杨海晨);

机构地区: 福建师范大学体育科学学院,福建福州350108

出  处: 《武汉体育学院学报》 2017年第9期88-94,共7页

摘  要: 运用文献资料、访谈、比较分析等研究方法,以我国中山大学和美国密歇根州立大学为例,对中美两所高校人类学专业的文化人类学和体质人类学课程的课程目标、课程内容等进行对比分析,旨在为我国体育人类学课程设置提供参考。研究发现:在课程目标方面,相同点表现于,中山大学和密歇根州立大学皆重视学生对专业基础知识的掌握和人文素养培养。不同点为,中山大学在本科和研究生阶段皆重视对学生专业化的培养,而密歇根州立大学在本科阶段注重学生对专业基础知识的掌握和人文素养的培养,研究生阶段才注重学生专业化的培养;在课程内容方面,两所学校的基本文化知识内容基本趋于一致,且均重视方法性理论知识和教学实践。差异性表现于:(1)中山大学和密歇根州立大学在研究生阶段强调学生掌握的课程内容重点不同。(2)课程内容涉及的研究视域不同。(3)主要授课形式不同;课程设置形式方面,两所学校以专业必修课为主要形式;课程开设的物质基础方面,两所学校皆有完善物质设施、设备和经费保障。进而,基于两校人类学专业课程设置的比较,就我国体育人类学课程设置从目标、内容、设置形式等方面进行了思考。 With the method of document literature, interview and comparative analysis, taking the Sun Yat-sen University and Michigan State University as the samples, the author probed into the training objectives and course content of Sino-us cultural an thropology and physical anthropology curriculum, in order to provide the professional reference to Chinese sport anthropology cur- rieulum design. Research showed that in terms of the training objectives, both two universities the mastery of basic knowledge and humanistic quality, on the contrast, in the stage of undergraduate and graduate, SYSU focuses on developing of professional per sonnel, while MSU emphasizes the mastery of basic knowledge and humanity attainments in the phase of undergraduate, and in tensifies the specialized cultivation in postgraduate stag~ In the terms of course content, these two universities undergraduate course content basic consistent, both attach importance to Methods course and fieldwork practices, while they' re different in: (1) two universities mastery of course content of emphasis at the graduate level. (2)The course covers different research horizons. (3)The main form of teaching is different. In terms of the material foundation of the course, both universities have the guarantee of material facilities, equipment and funds. Furthermore, basing on the comparison of Sino-us anthropology curriculums, the an thor performed the relevant thoughts upon objectives, contents, and setting modes of Chinese sport anthropology curriculums.

关 键 词: 体育人类学 中山大学 密歇根州立大学 课程设置


作者 刘毅
作者 尚笑
作者 黄楚玉
作者 曹永平
作者 武广源


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州体育学院
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚