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Effect of cutting time and height on sprout growth of Ormosia hosiei

作  者: (徐肇友); (陈焕伟); (楚秀丽); (肖纪军); (周志春);

机构地区: 龙泉市林业科学研究院,浙江龙泉323700

出  处: 《江苏林业科技》 2017年第4期13-17,共5页

摘  要: 对红豆树2年生容器苗进行截干促萌试验,分析截干时间和截干高度对穗条生长的影响。结果表明:截干时间明显影响穗条长度和穗条直径。相对3月而言,11月和1月截干的植株穗条较长,直径明显较粗,2者对应长度和直径分别为44.79,44.28 cm和6.91,6.75 cm,均高出3月对应指标15%,且此2时间节点的穗条性状不存在明显差异;截干高度对穗条长度的影响亦较为显著,截干高度15 cm植株穗条最长,达44.58 cm,与截干高度5 cm处理所致穗条长度间差异不显著,但显著长于截干高度30 cm的植株穗条。不同截干时间节点的截干高度对穗条生长的影响不一致,11月和1月,截干高度为15,30 cm的植株,萌发穗条数量显著多于截干高度为5 cm的植株;3月,则表现出截干高度愈高穗条长度愈长的现象。因此,在树液流动前,对红豆树进行截干较为理想;15 cm是较理想的截干高度,截干高度较高,对获得穗条数量影响不大。 To get agamogenesis material of Ormosia hosiei,the trial of new shoot promotion after stem-cutting-off was carried out with the 2-year-old container seedlings,to analyze effect of the stem cutting time and cutting height on the growth of the sprout shoot. The cutting time significantly affected the sprout length and basal diameter. Compared with that in March,the shoots got from cutting in January and November were longer,and their diameters of the base were larger,( 44. 79,44. 28 cm and 6. 91,6. 75 cm),more than 15% larger than that in March,with no significant difference in the sprouting characteristics between in January and November of the year. The effect of cutting height on the length of the sprout was also obvious,and sprout length for the cutting height of 15 cm was the longest,reaching 44. 58 cm,no noticeable difference between that of the cutting height at 15 cm and 5 cm,while significantly higher than that of the cutting height at 30 cm. Cutting height in different cutting time displayed different effect on the growth of the sprout. In November and January,the stem cutting at height of 15 and 30 cm branched out more sprouts than that of stem cutting at height of 5 cm while in March,the higher the cutting height was,the longer the sprout was. Therefore,before the sapflow it was a better time for stem-cutting,and 15 cm was adaptable stem height,higher cutting height for more sprout was of little significance.

关 键 词: 红豆树 截干时间 截干高度 穗条




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