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Characteristics of the Role of Modern Chinese Intellectual Elite in Buddhism

作  者: (刘春华);

机构地区: 枣庄学院政治与社会发展学院,山东枣庄277160

出  处: 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期93-97,共5页

摘  要: 中国近代百余年间,随着传统社会的解体,中西文化的撞击与交汇,传统儒学发生崩溃而佛教乘间复兴并在知识精英层中流行。知识精英在佛教中扮演了三种角色:寺僧是职业宗教家,他们重在卫教,为近代佛教变革转型、回应西方文化挑战做出了一定的贡献;居士即世俗信仰者,他们注重出世与入世的折衷与调和以及崇尚净土,禅净双修,以释、儒兼取或扬释抑儒的形式解放思想,完成从传统士大夫向近代知识分子的过渡;学者佛学发源于龚自珍晚年对天台宗的研究,其贡献在于加深了近代佛学与西学的比较,促进了中西文化的融汇。 Modern Chinese intellectual elite play three roles in Buddhism: Monks are professional religionists. They focus on health education and has made certain contribution to modern buddhist transformation and to the response to the challenge of western culture. Lay Buddhists, the secular believers, put emphasis on the compromise and reconciliation between retreat from and return to the worldly society; they advocate the pure land and the pursuit of Buddhism and pure enlightenment, and free their mind and complete the transition from traditional scholar-bureaucrat to modern intellectuals by taking both Buddhism and Confucianism or just Buddhism. The study of Buddhism originated from Gong Zizhen's study of Tiantai Sect in his later years, with which he made contribution to the comparison between modern Buddhism and western learning, and thus promoted the integration of Chinese and western culture.

关 键 词: 近代知识精英 佛教 寺僧 居士 学者


作者 林少阳
作者 秦蒙蒙
作者 彭炳铭
作者 邹伟全
作者 刘有贵


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 香港中文大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚