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On the Field Distribution of Legislation and Administrative Rules of Cities with Districts

作  者: (俞祺);

机构地区: 清华大学法学院

出  处: 《法制与社会发展》 2017年第5期163-192,共30页

摘  要: 新修改的《立法法》将设区的市的立法权限制在城乡建设与管理、环境保护和历史文化保护等方面,其中"城乡管理"概念存在较大的模糊空间。如何在新法的框架下确定设区的市的立法领域范围,需要基于既有设区的市的立法实践进行讨论。通过对杭州、长沙、兰州三市2000年至2015年间的地方性法规、地方政府规章和温州、佛山、长沙三市相同时段内市政府发布的规范性文件所涉及领域的归纳,可以发现:一方面,在不同地域、不同类别的规范中,确实存在共同的高频领域;但另一方面,各个城市与各个形式的规范之间在领域分布上也存在显著区别,体现了不同发展阶段的城市和不同规范制定主体在关注点上的差异。未来设区的市立法领域的安排应当在《立法法》条文合理的解释空间内,遵循以"地区差异性"和"地域限制性"为内容的地方性事务确定原则,尽量实现覆盖高频领域、协调城市间差异以及照顾不同规范制定主体的目标。 The newly revised Legislation Law set the legislative power of cities with districts in areas such as urban/rural construction and management, environmental protection as well as historical culture protection, among them the concept of "urban and rural management" has a large fuzzy space. The legisla- tive scope of cities with districts under the new law should be discussed based on a summary of practical ex- periences of those preexisting cities with districts. Through an analysis of local laws and local government regulations of Hangzhou, Changsha and Lanzhou which were enacted during 2000-2015, as well as an a- nalysis of administrative rules which were made during the same period by the governments of Wenzhou, Foshan and Changsha, we can reach two conclusions : 1 ) several common areas appear frequently in differ- ent regions and different types of legislation or rules; 2) differences still exist between cities and between types of rules, which demonstrates various focuses of different cities in different stages of developmentand legislative bodies. In the future, legislative areas of cities with districts should fall in the boundary of a rea- sonable interpretation of the Legislation Law, and follow the principle of local affairs like "regional differ- ences" and "territorial restriction", in order to cover legislative areas appearing with high frequency, coor- dinatethe differences among cities andtake care of the objectives of different kinds of legislative bodies.

关 键 词: 设区的市 立法领域 地方立法 地方性事务


作者 邱晓瑞
作者 钟金燕
作者 苏宏海
作者 杜春燕


机构 广东财经大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中国人民银行营业管理部


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚