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Design Thinking: from the Maker Movement to the Cultivation of Innovation Ability

作  者: (陈鹏); (黄荣怀);

机构地区: 北京师范大学智慧学习研究院,北京100875 首都师范大学教育技术系,北京100048

出  处: 《中国电化教育》 2017年第9期6-12,共7页

摘  要: 创新人才的培养是当前教育关注的重点问题。创客运动近几年迅速兴起,开展得如火如荼。然而,在目前众多的创客实践中,核心指导思想和活动设计理念的缺乏,使得创客教育流于形式,难以有效提升学生的创造力和实现创新能力的培养目标。当前,设计思维发展成为一种被广泛采用的、有影响力的、高效的创新手段,它是创新思维培养的有效方法,同时也是开展创客教育的有效途径。该文通过梳理设计思维与创客教育及创新思维之间的关系,提出了面向设计思维的创客活动设计思想。该思想强调创客活动环节的可操作性、过程的迭代循环以及学生动手实践探究等。结合实践案例,该文进一步阐述了如何开展创客教育实践,可为创客教育提供有效的操作指导。最后,该文提出了创客教育和创新能力培养的未来研究方向,对从创客运动到创新能力培养的思想与实践的融合具有推动意义。 The cultivation of innovation talents became a focus concern of current education. The Maker movement grew rapidly, Maker activities were in full swing, but a large number of practice lack of core guiding principles and design concepts, and it is difficult to achieve the goal of improving students' innovation ability. Design thinking is a thinking process that using some thinking and innovative methods to implement design. It is turn out that design thinking is an effective methods of training creative and innovative thinking. By combing the relationship of design thinking and creative education, design thinking and innovative thinking, this study bulid the process of design thinking in maker activity, which highlights the operational, iterative, and explorative. Meanwhile, this paper gives a specific explanation for activity design based design thinking by cases analysis, which provides a specifc practice operation for school maker education. At last, it give some advise for the future study, that promote the integration of thought and practice form the the maker movement to the cultivation of innovation ability

关 键 词: 设计思维 创客运动 创造性思维 创新能力


作者 汪华桥
作者 姜有余
作者 何祥文
作者 荆芳
作者 吕欣欣


机构 华南师范大学
机构 南方医科大学
机构 韶关学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东石油化工学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚