机构地区: 西南民族大学西南民族研究院,四川成都610110
出 处: 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期90-96,共7页
摘 要: 民族地区农民持续增收是精准脱贫工作的重要考量指标。基于民族八省区农民收入增长的现实情况,利用主成分分析的方法分析了影响民族地区农民收入增长的因素,结果表明,自然资源禀赋结构、教育投入、地方财政支持、产业结构、基础设施建设等对民族地区农民收入增长有较强的正面影响,并针对这些因素提出民族地区农民持续增收的政策建议。 Continuing increase in income in the ethnic minority areas is an important indicator of the targeted poverty alleviation. Analyzing the actual farmers' income growth in eight provinces of China with the help of the principal component analysis,this paper analyzes the factors that affect the income growth of the farmers in the ethnic minority areas. The results show that the natural resources,the educational investment,the local financial support,the industrial structure and the infrastructure have a strong positive impact on the income growth of these farmers. With this understanding,it finally proposes some policy suggestions for the increase of their income.