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Finite Element Analysis of Torsional Stiffness and Hysteresis of the RV Reducer

作  者: (张迎辉); (何卫东); (常安全); (张福来); (张子扬);

机构地区: 大连交通大学机械工程学院,辽宁大连116028

出  处: 《机械传动》 2017年第9期150-154,共5页

摘  要: 以某型号RV减速器作为整机扭转刚度的研究对象,建立了包含摆线轮和行星轮轮齿的啮合刚度、各弹性构件以及曲柄轴承刚度的整机有限元模型。在对摆线轮进行等距和移距综合修形的基础上,对受力变形的RV减速器整机扭转刚度进行了分析计算,同时与通过扭转刚度实验所得到的实验数据进行了对比,最大扭转刚度为278.8 N·m/('),最小扭转刚度为247.1 N·m/('),但平均刚度数值偏大10.85%,回差偏小8.9%,说明利用有限元对扭转刚度和回差进行仿真分析是可以参考借鉴的。 As the research in a finite software, considering object, the finite element model of a certain type of RV reducer is established the meshing stiffness of planetary gears and cycloid gears, elasticity of compo- nents and the bearing stiffness. Based on the isometric and shift modification to the cycloid gears, the torsional stiffness of the RV reducer with deformation caused by the meshing force is calculated. At the same time, com- pare with the data obtained from experiments of torsional stiffness, it is concluded that the maximum torsional stiffness is 278.8 N ·m/( '), and the minimum torsional stiffness is 247.1 N · m/( '), but the average value of torsional stiffness is larger than the experimental value by 10.85%, the hysteresis is smaller than that by 8.9%. It shows that the finite element method is can be used for reference to simulate and analyze the torsional stiffness and the hysteresis.

关 键 词: 减速器 扭转刚度 有限单元法 语言


作者 孙丽云
作者 唐献全


机构 河源职业技术学院
机构 东莞理工学院城市学院
机构 广州航海学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚