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Scanning Electron Microscope Observation of the Head Morphology of Pyrocoelia Analis Fabricius

作  者: (郭琼); (吴健卓); (杨毓银); (姚明勇); (陈文龙);

机构地区: 贵州省山地农业病虫害重点实验室,贵州贵阳550025

出  处: 《山地农业生物学报》 2017年第3期33-36,共4页

摘  要: 利用扫描电镜观察金边窗萤(Pyrocoelia analis Fabricius)成虫和幼虫头部的形态特征。结果表明:金边窗萤成虫复眼发达,口器退化;幼虫有一对发达且左右对称的3节触角,其口器发达,具有1对锋利的、向内弯曲的镰刀状上颚,及1对下颚须、1对下唇须和1对内颚叶。 The head morphological traits of adults and larvae of Pyrocoelia analis Fabricius were observed by scanning electron microscope.The results showed that the adults had well developed compound eyes,but degraded mouthparts.The larvae had well developed three-segmented antenna and a pair of lateral ocelli.The mouthparts of the larvae were extremely developed,and composed of a pair of sharp and curved inward sickle-like mandible,a pair of maxillary palpi,a pair of labial palpi,and a pair of laciniae.

关 键 词: 金边窗萤 头部形态 扫描电镜


作者 朱铁权


机构 华南师范大学生命科学学院生物科学系
机构 中山大学


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