机构地区: 重庆市铜梁区规划局
出 处: 《城乡规划(城市地理学术版)》 2017年第4期93-98,共6页
摘 要: 本文基于北美城市范例,分析城市街道社区与社区市民的最原始关系,提出绿色步行城市工程中以“行人人性化为本”的人性化交通建设,通过社区公共参与、和城市公平享有的“步行人性化绿色城市策略”,改变过去“以车为本”思想,重建符合当地社区邻里形态的人性化步行绿色系统,塑造当地社区居民能够识别的清晰社区邻里精神归宿。 From the 1960s, North American cities began to explore the potential of pedestrian walking systems, high-quality urban public space, and human-centered city planning. The ecological urban environment--the promotion of non-motor vehicles has been advised for urban sustainable development. The strategies of human footprint, greenway, and public space have been emphasized in ecological city planning. Developing a city for cars has been transformed into a human-scale environment for real pedestrians. The identity of community neighborhood, the development of walking system, the respect of green space, and the recognition of community spirit have been indexes of a city's success.