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Planning for the Ecology Red Line and Discussion on the "Multi-planning Combining" Implementation Strategy

作  者: (舒沐晖); (康盈);

机构地区: 重庆市规划研究中心

出  处: 《城乡规划(城市地理学术版)》 2017年第4期12-20,共9页

摘  要: 基于我国“部门分治”的现状管理体系,在探讨生态红线划定的工作思路时,首先总结了我国城乡生态环境问题持续恶化的根源问题,通过借鉴案例城市经验,明确生态红线需划入的对象与用地构成,并结合“多规合一”探索,探讨能够确保划定的保护红线实施落地的管理体系与保障体系,提出保护红线不应作为独立的、单个部门的管理红线,而更需借此工作分层级整合各部门的保护区规划内容,在空间上形成统一的整合平台和明确的保护边界,促使不同部门使用的技术语言与管理工具能够协调统一,同时采用动态的、弹性的实施管理策略,以此提高我国国土空间的生态安全管理绩效。 Based on the current department division system, the paper has discussed strategies for carrying out the ecology red line planning. Firstly, it has summarized the root causes for the continuous deterioration of eco-environment. Secondly, it has widely drawn experiences from other cities and thus identified the land type suitable to be included in the ecology red line. In conjunction with exploration for carrying out the multi-planning combining practice, it has suggested planning implementation strategies for ensuring the ecology red line to well constructed and well managed. This paper strongly supports that the ecology red line should not be a one-department planning, but be used as a way for integrating different planning from related departments, thus to form a systematic construction in different levels for co-operated and clarified eco-protection boundaries. . This also requires all the related departments to co-operate and use the same technical language and management tools, to improve the management efficiency of the national spatial system.

关 键 词: 生态红线划定 国土生态安全 多规合一 实施保障




作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚