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Challenges and Countermeasures of China's Implementation of Nagoya Protocoland the Impact on the Access and Utilization of Agricultural Genetic Resources

作  者: (王镥权); (赵富伟); (臧春鑫);

机构地区: 武汉大学环境法研究所,湖北武汉430072

出  处: 《农林经济管理学报》 2017年第4期550-556,共7页

摘  要: 我国于2016年9月6日正式成为《<生物多样性公约>关于获取遗传资源和公正公平分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》缔约方。议定书在《生物多样性公约》基础上,制定了一个遗传资源及相关传统知识获取与惠益分享的国际制度框架,从遗传资源获取、惠益分享、监测利用等多方面规定了缔约方的履约义务。我国遗传资源十分丰富,但当前本底数据不清、生物科技水平相对落后、法律法规体系存在漏洞、后续谈判研究不足,是我国履约面临的巨大挑战。因此,我国应加强基础研究,增强开发利用能力,加快国内获取与惠益分享立法,积极开展后续谈判研究。同时,农业遗传资源的获取和利用也将受到较大影响,未来针对农业遗传资源的获取、利用和惠益分享活动都将纳入法制轨道,可谓机遇和挑战并存。 On September 6,2016,China became a member nation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits. The Protocol has developed the framework of international regime on access to and benefit sharing of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in light of Convention on Biological Diversity which entered into force in 1993.It has clarified the rights and obligations for the parties,including facilitating access to genetic resources,and fair and equitable benefit-sharing and monitoring of utilization of genetic resources. China boasts abundant genetic resources and associated knowledge.However,the background data remains ambiguous,biological science and technology is relatively backward,and loopholes exist in national legislation and position research of the following-up negotiations of the Protocol.These issues are challenging China's ability to implement the Protocol. We suggest that the government should investigate and assess the background data of its genetic resources and associated knowledge,strengthen basic capacity of biological research and utilization,and formulate special regime at national level as soon as possible.Meanwhile,opportunities and challenges coexist as the access to and benefit sharing of agricultural genetic resources will also be greatly affected and the acquisition,use and benefit-sharing activities of agricultural genetic resources will be incorporated into the legal track in future.

关 键 词: 名古屋议定书 遗传资源 获取与惠益分享 农业遗传资源


作者 沈小华
作者 周莳文
作者 何庆权
作者 倪雄飞
作者 严永和


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 韶关学院法学院
机构 仲恺农业工程学院经济与管理学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚