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Impact of Labor Migration on Marketization of Grain Production: Based on Survey Data of Farmers

作  者: (滕玉华); (刘长进); (胡雯);

机构地区: 江西农业大学经济管理学院/江西现代农业发展协同创新中心,江西南昌330045

出  处: 《农林经济管理学报》 2017年第4期462-469,共8页

摘  要: 采用农户抽样调查数据,分析劳动力外出务工对不同区域(东部、中部和西部)粮食生产商品化的影响。研究表明,劳动力外出本省务工、外省务工对农户粮食生产半商品化的影响表现出明显的地区差异:劳动力在本省务工、外省务工对西部农户粮食生产半商品化有显著负的影响,对东部和中部农户粮食生产半商品化的影响不显著;打工收入占农户收入的比值、兼业劳动力占农户劳动力的比值都对东部农户粮食生产半商品化有显著负的影响;劳动力外出务工收入对农户粮食生产完全商品化的影响存在区域差别:劳动力外出务工收入在家庭收入中所占比重对西部农户粮食生产完全商品化有显著负的影响,东部和中部劳动力外出务工不会对农户粮食生产完全商品化产生影响。研究还发现,不论是在东部地区,还是在中部和西部地区,人均实际耕地面积对农户粮食生产完全商品化有重要影响。 Based on data collected from investigations of sample farming households ineastern,central and western China,the influence of the migrant labor force was analyzed on marketization of grain productionin different regions. The study reached the following conclusions: First of all,obvious regional differences exist in terms of the effect of migrant workers who find employments within the province and the migrant workers who seek employments in other provinces on the semi-commercialization of farmers' grain production.Secondly,whether migrant workersworking within or outside the provincehas significant negative effect on the semi commercialization ofgrain productionin the western region,while this effect is not found in the eastern and central regions.Thirdly,the ratio of working income to household incomeand the ratio of labor force to farm laborers have a significant negative impact on the semi commercializationof grain production in the eastern region.Fourthly,the proportion of laborers' income to household income has a significant negative impact on the commercialization of grain production in western China,and labor migrants do not have impact on the full commercialization of farmers' food production in the eastern and central region.Finally,the per capita actual cultivated land area has an important impact on the complete commercialization of farmers' grain production both in the eastern region and in the central and western regions.

关 键 词: 本省务工 外省务工 粮食生产 半商品化 商品化


作者 杨重玉
作者 郭昌盛
作者 刘兴花
作者 黄晓坚
作者 罗映红


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚