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On the Legitimacy of Prohibiting General Confiscation Penalty by the Constitution

作  者: (胡婧);

机构地区: 重庆工商大学法学院

出  处: 《北方法学》 2017年第5期53-60,共8页

摘  要: 为实现刑法之威慑和惩罚功能,古代国家法律将没收罪犯之全部财产作为刑罚适用。近代以来,虽然基于惩罚犯罪之必要,依照刑法规定之情形,可以适用没收罪犯财产之一部分,但多数国家的宪法规定禁止适用没收罪犯之全部财产。由于近代以来的立宪主义宪法以保护公民基本权利为首要价值,宪法对生命、自由和财产加以严格保护,因此,宪法往往规定刑事司法的基本原则,将宪法的价值植入刑事法之中,如宪法规定废除或者严格限制适用死刑、禁止刑讯逼供、罪刑法定、无罪推定等等。宪法明确禁止适用没收罪犯全部财产的刑罚,其正当性首先表现在透过宪法的禁止性规定,彰显对财产权以及财产继承权的保护;其次,表现在不以没收全部财产作为惩罚罪犯之手段,防止国家滥用刑罚权,避免适用报复性酷刑,以达到尊重个人人格的目的。 In order to realize the functionality of deterrence and punishment of criminal law, the laws of ancient countries confiscated all property of criminals as a penalty. In modern times, the provisions of the criminal law set the confiscation of partial property for the necessity of crime punishing, yet the constitutions of most countries prohibit the application of general confiscation. Because of the constitutionalism of modem times, the constitutions take the protection of basic rights of citizens as the primary value and impose strict protection on life, liberty and property. As a consequence, the constitutions formulate the basic principles of criminal law and put the value of the constitutions into the i t, such as the constitution provisions on the abolition or strict restrictions of the death penalty, the prohibition of extorting confessions by torture, null apoena sine lege, presumption of innocence and so on. There are two aspects of legitimacy that the constitu-tions expressly prohibit the application of general confiscation, the prohibitive provisions of the constitutions highlight the protection on the rights of property and inheritance. Furthermore, in order to achieve the pur-pose of respecting the individual personality, the prohibition of general confiscation shall prevent countries from abusing the power of punishment and the application of retaliatory torture.

关 键 词: 合法财产 宪法 酷刑 个人尊严


作者 曹秀谦
作者 宫婷
作者 曾瑞声
作者 韩瑞辉
作者 乔利民


机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东司法警官职业学院
机构 华南师范大学法学院
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚