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3-D Grid Generation Method for Reservoir Numerical Simulation

作  者: (曹凯); (潘懋); (孙鹏); (张慧);

机构地区: 北京大学地球与空间科学学院,北京100871

出  处: 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第9期1341-1346,共6页

摘  要: Pillar Grid在模拟复杂断层上有局限性,且它的非正交性会影响数值模拟,同时,非结构化网格的应用还不成熟,为了解决这些问题,提出一种六面体网格模型生成方法.该网格在XY平面上规则,不连续面使用阶梯状表达.首先,进行构造建模,包括断层建模和地层建模;其次,提取构造模型的拓扑信息和几何要素,基于G-maps结构建立宏观拓扑模型;最后,通过一种将地质界面离散化为多个切平面的方法进行网格剖分.实例证明该方法正确有效,能生成符合要求的网格模型. Because the application of unstructured grid is stil l need to be improved, a hexahedral - gridding method was designed in order to overcome limitations of the Pillar Grid when simulating complex faults and its non-orthogonality. The grid model is regular in X Y d i r e c t io n a n d th e discontinuous surface is presented as a stair-step style. First, a s t ru c tu r a l m o d e l is b u i l t, in c lu d in g faults and stratum ; Secondly , th e topologic a l informa t ion a nd ge ome t r ic e leme nt s of th e s t ruc tura l model is extracted so as to build macroscopic topology model based on G-maps ; F i n a l l y, a method of discretizing the geological surfaces into lots of tangent planes is used to generate grids. Cases have proved that the methods above are accurate and effective to generate the desired grid model.

关 键 词: 油藏数值模拟 构造建模 宏观拓扑 网格剖分


作者 邹宇
作者 刘礼进


机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心


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