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Diagnosis of Chicken Tapeworm Disease Caused by Raillietina echinobothrida

作  者: (张鼎); (刘晶英); (宁官保); (高文伟); (马海利); (闫芳); (赵宇军); (高诗敏); (田文霞);

机构地区: 山西农业大学动物科技学院,山西太谷030801

出  处: 《动物医学进展》 2017年第9期133-136,共4页

摘  要: 从临床症状、组织病理学变化、病原形态学鉴定等方面对一起鸡棘沟赖利绦虫病进行诊断。结果表明,病鸡生长缓慢,消化道增粗、肿大,肠内充满大量黄褐色液体。十二指肠有凸起的白色结节和散在出血斑,HE染色显示肠黏膜层脱落并伴有大量红细胞浸润。病鸡十二指肠、空肠和回肠发现大量绦虫虫体,体长5cm^10cm,头节四周有4个圆形吸盘,中央有1个突起的顶突,顶突上分布有两圈小钩。颈节节片生殖系统未发育成熟,染色不明显。成节节片有一组生殖系统,生殖孔交替开口于节片外缘上1/3处。雄茎囊位于排泄孔外侧,睾丸数目30个~40个。孕节子宫退化,被大量卵囊所取代,散在分布于节片中,每个卵囊内有1个已胚化的六钩蚴。综合以上结果判定病鸡所患寄生虫病为棘沟赖利绦虫病。 The aim of this study was to diagnose a case of chicken tapeworm disease caused by Raillietina echinobothrida through ways of clinical symptom observation, pathological analysis and pathogen identifica-tion. The results showed that sick chickens grew slowly, intestines swelled and were filled with brown liq-uid. Sarcoidosis-like wihte nodules and hemorrhagic spots were observed in duodenum. HE staining showed extensive erythrocyte infiltration in intestine mucous. A large number of tapeworms were found in the duo-denum,jejunum and ileum of the sick chickens. The adult tapeworm composed of proglottids, with a body length from 5 to 10 cm. Scolex has four round suckers around the surrounding and one stretchable rostellum in the center. There are two circles of hooklets in the rostellum. The reproductive system in immature proglottid is not entirely developed and failed to distinguish after the HE staining. Mature proglottid has a set of reproductive system and genital pore opens at upper one third of the outside edge of the mature pro-glottid. The male stem sac is located outside the drain hole and there are 30 to 40 testes in mature proglot-tid. Gravid proglottid has vestigial uterus which is replaced by oocysts. There is one oncosphere in each oo - cyst. The results showed that synthesizing all results of clinical symptom observation, pathological analysis and pathogen identification, sick chickens were infected with Raillietina echinobothrida.

关 键 词: 肉鸡 绦虫 病理学变化 病原体形态




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