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Willingness of Paying for Medical Support Combined with Pension

作  者: (秦立建); (童莹);

机构地区: 安徽财经大学财政与公共管理学院,安徽蚌埠233000

出  处: 《统计与信息论坛》 2017年第9期107-114,共8页

摘  要: 利用安徽省全部16个地市的实地调查数据,研究了医养结合养老模式的支付意愿影响因素。研究发现:第一,老年人收入水平越高,对医养结合养老模式的支付意愿越强;第二,老年人健康状况越差,对医养结合养老模式的支付意愿越强;第三,较高的受教育程度能够显著提升老年人对医养结合养老模式的支付意愿;第四,拥有基本养老保险能够增强老年人对医养结合服务的支付倾向,基本医疗保险报销比例越高,老年人的支付意愿越强;第五,老年人健康状况越差,对居家医养融合养老模式的支付意愿越强,而对社区和机构医养结合养老模式的支付意愿没有显著影响。因此,为了加快推进医养结合养老保障的发展,应该构建医养结合养老模式的差异化网络格局,建立长期护理保险制度,扩大基本养老保险的覆盖范围,并且提高养老金保障水平和基本医疗保险报销比例。 This paper studies influence factors of willingness to pay for medical support combines with pension based on the field survey data of 16 cities in Anhui Province. The conclusion of this study are: 1. The higher the income level of the elderly,the greater the willingness to pay for medical support combined with pension. 2. The willingness to pay for support combines with pension will be greater as the health of elderly getting worse and worse. 3. The higher education level can significantly improve the willingness of the elderly to pay for medical support combined with pension. 4. Primary endowment insurance can enhance the payment tendency of the elderly to the medical service; the willingness to pay for support combines with pension will be greater as the improvement of the basic insurance reimbursement. In order to enhance the willingness of elderly to pay for the medical support combined with pension. Firstly, differentiatednetwork pattern of medical support combined with pension should be constructed. Secondly, government should speed up the construction of long term care insurance system. Thirdly, speeding up the primary endowment insurance coverage and improving the level of pension insurance and basic medical insurance reimbursement ratio.

关 键 词: 医养结合 支付意愿 影响因素 模型


作者 潘美霞
作者 钟英姿
作者 姜百臣
作者 林志帆
作者 周辉


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚