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Preliminary Study on Allelopathy of the Extracts from Allium Sativum L. Bulbs on Brassica Juncea

作  者: (王姣); (邵贵芳); (赵凯); (莫云容); (邓明华);

机构地区: 云南农业大学园林园艺学院,云南昆明650201

出  处: 《湖南生态科学学报》 2017年第2期15-19,共5页

摘  要: 大蒜化感作用的研究很广泛,实验采用不同浓度大蒜鳞茎浸提液对芥菜种子萌发、根长、茎长和幼苗鲜重的影响,结果表明,经大蒜鳞茎浸提液处理后的花叶芥菜种子在不同浓度下呈现不一样的形态,其发芽率和发芽指数在不同浓度的大蒜鳞茎浸提液的影响下随着浓度而变化,在0.02 g/m L的浓度下,花叶芥菜的发芽率为97.8%,为最适宜种子发芽的浓度,而对于种子的发芽势来说,最适宜的浓度则为0.04 g/m L,达到了54.8%,浓度为0.02g/m L时的平均根长为1.82 cm,平均茎长为2.28 cm,平均茎重为0.05 g,0.03 g/m L时的平均根重为0.06 g.不同浓度的大蒜鳞茎浸提液对种子幼苗的不同部位的促进和抑制作用也不一样. The reach of the extracts from Allium Sativum L. bulbs is very extensive. This experiment used different concentration of the extracts from Allium Sativum L. bulbs to study its influence on the ger- mination root length, stems long and seedling weight of Brassica juncea. Results are as follows : the seeds of Brassica juncea varied in forms under the treatment of different concentration of the extracts from Allium Sativum L. bulbs; with the change of concentration of the extracts, their germination rate and germination index also got changed ; the best concentration of seed germination was at 0.02 g/mL when the germina- tion percentage of Brassicajuncea was 97.8% ; but the best concentration of germination potential of Bras- sicajuncea was at 0.04 g/mL when it was 54.8%; at 0.02 g/rnl, the average root length, stem length, and stem weight respectively were 1.82 em, 2.28 era, 0.05 g; and at 0.03 g/ml, the average root weight was 0.06 g; the promotion and inhibition effect of different eoneentration of the extracts from Allium Sativum L. bulbs on the different parts of Brassica juncea varied.4tabs., 14refs.

关 键 词: 大蒜鳞茎浸提液 芥菜 发芽率 发芽势




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