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Efficient P Saturation Content and N,P Leaching in Subtropical Paddy Field

作  者: (刘海); (邹冬生); (吴金水); (肖和艾);

机构地区: 湖南农业大学生物技术科学学院,湖南长沙410128 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所,湖南长沙410125

出  处: 《湖南生态科学学报》 2017年第2期1-8,共8页

摘  要: 随着施肥量的增加和农业土壤磷的不断积累,农田磷有明显向土壤深层淋失的现象.前人研究表明我国亚热带区在高强度农业生产和大量施用化肥的作用下,已成为农业面源污染和环境富营养化最为严重的地区.本文拟以中国亚热带区典型代表性稻田为研究对象,通过典型区域耕作土壤调查、室内模拟测定、原状土柱试验和田间定位观测等方法相结合,评估亚热带耕作土壤磷素淋失环境风险.研究表明:1)稻田土壤有效磷饱和容量区域差异较大;2)长沙红壤稻田土壤有效磷饱和容量(47.6 mg/kg)显著高于湘阴湖积物稻田(39.2 mg/kg);3)施用牛粪可显著提高稻田土壤pH值,更够防止稻田土壤酸化和控制污染稻田土壤重金属的活性. With the increase of fertilizer application and the accumulation of phosphorus in agricul- tural soil, there was a significant leaching of soil phosphorus into the deep soil. Previous studies have shown that the subtropics zone in China has been the grave agricultural non-point source pollution and the environmental eutrophication under the action of high intensity agricultural production and extensive ap- plication of chemical fertilizers.This paper intends to study the typical representative rice fields in the sub- tropics zone in China though the combination of typical regional tillage soil survey, indoor simulation, un- disturbed soil test and field location observation to assess the environmental risk of phosphorus leaching in subtropical cropland soil. It comes to the conclusion that, firstly, the soil available phosphorus saturation capacity in paddy field is quite different from area to area, secondly, the soil available phosphorus satura- tion capacity ( 47.6 mg/kg) is significantly higher than that in Xiangyin Lake ( 39.2 mg/kg), thirdly, the application of cow dung could significantly improve the pH value of paddy soil, and it could. 10figs., 2tals., 21 refs.

关 键 词: 磷素淋失 临界值 耕作土壤 亚热带



机构 暨南大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚