机构地区: 中国人民大学信息资源管理学院,北京100086
出 处: 《档案学通讯》 2017年第5期30-34,共5页
摘 要: 有关唐代陶质官署印的性质问题争议颇多,主要有随葬论、替代品论和宗教活动论三种观点。笔者在辨析的基础上,从合法性、出土地点、州县设立或复置时间、制作工艺、与铜质官署印的吻合程度、印文风格及印体物理特征等诸多方面判断,唐代陶质官署印极有可能是用于制作正式铜质官署印的印母。 Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain the nature of pottery official seals of Tang Dynasty, mainly including Burial Articles, Substitutes and Religious Items. Another possibility is that they were used as models of bronze official seals in terms of legitimacy, places unearthed, construction or reconstruction time of counties, the processing technology, consistency with copper official seals, impression styles and physical characteristics.