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Response of four pine species to plant ash during germination and seedling growth

作  者: (刘发林);

机构地区: 中南林业科技大学,长沙410004

出  处: 《生态学报》 2017年第17期5673-5680,共8页

摘  要: 火干扰不仅影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而且影响群落更新与演替。为了研究草木灰对4种松属种子萌芽和幼苗生长的影响,在湖南省株洲市黄丰桥林场采集马尾松、云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子,以马尾松次生林火烧迹地的草木灰为基质,设置对照和3个草木灰处理,进行播种试验及生长观测。结果表明:(1)草木灰处理下4个物种的种子发芽率比对照试验低,并呈现随草木灰含量的增加而降低的趋势,低草木灰含量处理马尾松种子发芽率不及对照一半,中、高草木灰含量处理发芽率更低;云南松、湿地松和火炬松种子发芽率规律类似于马尾松,而高草木灰含量处理发芽率为0。(2)培养皿播种平均发芽时间比花盆播种长,无论草木灰处理还是培养条件(培养皿或花盆),马尾松和云南松种子平均发芽时间比湿地松和火炬松短。(3)4个物种种子播种14周后,对照试验中马尾松和云南松幼苗死亡率最低,而火炬松和湿地松幼苗死亡率相对增加。(4)播种14周后不同试验处理4个物种幼苗生长差异不明显。火炬松、湿地松、云南松和马尾松幼苗的单株平均干重分别达0.038、0.031、0.027、0.024 g。各物种叶干重按降序排列依次是火炬松(0.026 g)>湿地松(0.019 g)>云南松(0.017 g)>马尾松(0.016 g),根和茎的干重比重相当,约占对应物种幼苗叶干重的三分之一。研究表明以草木灰为培养基质,马尾松和云南松种子的发芽率较高,平均发芽时间较短,更适合作为火烧迹地植被恢复先锋树种,为火干扰后选择人工促进天然更新树种提供参考。 Fire disturbance not only alters the structure and function of forest ecosystems but also affects community regeneration and succession of forest ecosystems. In the present study, we investigated the effects of plant ash on germination and seedling growth of four pine species(Pinus massoniana, Pinus yunnanensis, Pinus elliottii,and Pinus taeda) grown from seeds collected from the Huangfengqiao State Forest Farm, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. We used plant ash collected locally from a forest fire site of a P.massoniana secondary forest. Four ash treatments consisting of low (4 kg/hm2), medium (8 kg/hm2), high (16 kg/hm2), and control were used. The seeds were sown with plant ash in Petri dishes and plant pots measuring 20 cm×20 cm×20 cm. There were three replicates of 30 seeds for each species in each treatment used in a completely randomized design. The experimental data were then analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results of our experiments show that:1) germination of all four studied species was more negatively affected in the plant ash treatments than in the control group, and the germination rates for all four species decreased with increasing in the quantities of plant ash. Germination of P.massoniana decreased by 60.16%, 91.63%, and 99.15% with low, medium, and high plant ash treatments, respectively. P.yunnanensis, P.elliottii, and P.taeda showed similar trends, but no germination was observed in high plant ash treatment. 2) On average, germination time was higher for medium ash treatment than for low ash treatment. In addition, the average germination time for P.elliottii and P.taeda was higher than that for P.massoniana and P.yunnanensis regardless of the quantities of plant ash or incubation conditions(in Petri dishes or in plant pots). 3) Seedling mortality differed between the four species at 14 weeks after sowing. P.massoniana and P.yunnanensis had lower seedling mortality rate than did P.elliottii and P.taeda in the control experiments. The mortality

关 键 词: 松属 发芽 幼苗生长 草木灰




作者 庞菊香
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