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Gender specific study on psychological adjustment induced by baduanjin based on the beta band electroencephalogram power

作  者: (郭郁); (魏泽仁); (胡庆川); (李神奕); (王卫卫); (张琳); (吕嘉轩); (张洁心); (闫健); (陈悦); (魏玉龙);

机构地区: 北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院,北京100029 河北新奥集团新绎健康科技有限公司

出  处: 《北京中医药大学学报》 2017年第8期653-660,共8页

摘  要: 目的通过常规脑电监测八段锦训练前后不同性别在校大学生的脑电β1和β2频带功率谱在总体和空间(导联)的变化,分析和探究八段锦诱发的"心"效应的性别特征。方法选择在校大学生为受试者,根据性别分成男性组和女性组,均接受八段锦培训,采用NT9200系列脑电图仪分别在训练前后进行脑电监测,统计分析比较训练前后2组的脑电β1、β2频带绝对功率的差异。结果总体比较:训练前,女性组β1、β2频带的绝对功率均高于男性组(均P<0.01);训练后,男性组在β1、β2频带的绝对功率高于训练前(均P<0.01),女性组在β1、β2频带的绝对功率与训练前相比均无统计学差异(均P>0.05),男性组和女性组在β1、β2频带的绝对功率之间无统计学差异(均P>0.05)。空间(导联)比较:脑电地形图上训练前不同性别的β1、β2频带分布存在明显区别,训练后不同性别组在β1频带分布趋势一致,在β2频带分布上男性组呈全脑区同步增高的特征,女性组在大部分脑区呈现减低的趋势。左右脑功能区的协同情况:训练后不同性别组在β1和β2频带的左右半球对应大部分脑区的相关性皆升高或由不具有相关性变为相关。结论八段锦锻炼对不同性别均能够诱发"心"的效应,这种"心"效应存在"平衡"特性和性别特征,"调心"效应的性别特异性进一步提示八段锦可能具有将不同性别的心理活动趋于一致的特点。 Objective To analyze and explore the gender-dependent differences of the psychological adjustment induced by baduanjin( eight-trigram boxing) by comparing the total and spatial changes of β1 and 1β2 electroencephalogram (EEG) power among male and female college students before and after per- forming baduanjin. Methods College students were recruited as volunteers, and were divided into male and female groups. All volunteers received baduanjin training. β1 and β2 EEG power of two groups was measured and compared with NT9200 electroencephalograph before and after performing baduanjin. Theresults were collected to analyze the differences of absolute power in two groups before and after baduanjin training. Results General comparison:the absolute power of the β1 and β2 band in the female group was significantly higher than that in the male group before training (P 〉 0.05 ). The absolute power of the β1 and β2 band increased significantly in the male group after training (P 〉 0.01 ). There was no sig- nificant difference in the female group before training ( P 〉 0.05 ). In addition, there was no significant difference between male group and female group in the absolute power of the β1 and β2 band after train- ing (P 〉 0. 05 ). Spatial comparison: there were significant differences in the distribution of β1 and β2 bands on the EEG between male and female groups before training. Compared with the distribution of β1 and β2 in different groups before training,the distribution of β1 on different groups tended to be consist- ent after training. The distribution of β2 band presented an increasing tendency on the whole brain region after training, while the female group presented decreasing tendency on most brain regions after training. Function coordination of left and right cerebral hemispheres : compared with EEG before training, the cor- relation between right and left cerebral hemispheres shown onβ1 andβ2 band increased significantly or changed from negative to posit

关 键 词: 八段锦 频带 不同性别 调心 效应


作者 梁东梅
作者 张梁
作者 冯毅狲
作者 刁衍斌
作者 李兆伟


机构 广州中医药大学
机构 广州中医药大学体育健康学院
机构 广州体育学院
机构 四川工程职业技术学院
机构 广东金融学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚