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The ecological origin of the construction of Tujia folk literature and art

作  者: (宁峰); (候绍春);

机构地区: 中南民族大学民族学与社会学学院,湖北武汉430074 阜阳师范学院文学院,安徽阜阳236037

出  处: 《凯里学院学报》 2017年第1期28-32,共5页

摘  要: 土家族民间文艺活动从不同侧面反映出该族群对地方性生态环境的选择与适应,这些民间文艺样式大多与特定自然生境制约下的生产生活方式密切联系,不同程度地折射出土家族对于生态的认知和阐释,反映了自然生态环境对民间文艺活动的制约和影响。从天地人起源神话与自然灾害的书写、族源神话与自然生境的适应、部族迁徙传说与生计模式的调适、文化英雄叙事与自然的祛魅等方面来考察,土家先民最初就是凭借着生态直觉和生态经验来构建其文艺活动的。自然环境既是土家族民间文艺发生的生态本原,又是其加工对象,同时,对于具体的文艺活动的建构与衍化,也具有重要的制约与影响作用。 Tujia folk literature and art activities reflect the selection and adaptation of the local ecological environment from different aspects. These folk literature and art style are closely related to the production and life style under the restriction of the specific natural environment,reflecting the cognition,interpretation of the family to the ecology,the natural ecological environment of folk literature,art activities of the constraints and influence in varying degrees. Studying on the origin of the myth and natural disasters writing,the adaptation of family origin myth and natural habitat,the adjustment of the legend of the tribe migration,the adjustment of the living pattern,the culture of hero narrative and disenchantment of nature and other aspects,the first of the Tujia people is to construct the literary and artistic activities with the ecological intuition and the ecological experience. Natural environment is not only the ecological origin of the concrete folk literature and art,but also the processing object,at the same time,it has important control and influence function in the construction and changes of specific literary activities.

关 键 词: 土家族 民间文艺建构 生态本原


作者 吴婧倩
作者 吕建国
作者 卢俊
作者 邱青青
作者 刘翀


机构 广东培正学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 嘉应学院
机构 嘉应学院政法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚