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The Transplantation and Practice of Security Measures during the Period of Republic of China --Concentrating on the Compulsory Abstinence of Drugs in Local Judicial Activities

作  者: (陈长宁);

机构地区: 四川大学法学院,成都610207

出  处: 《南京大学法律评论》 2017年第1期108-125,共18页

摘  要: 近一个世纪里,中国法学界分别于1935年《中华民国刑法》颁布前后与近年劳教制度废除后两次热议保安处分制度。民国时期对保安处分制度的移植与实践,可展现出近代法制变革中三对重要矛盾关系的具体影响。近代法制改革绕不过中西法制与法文化的冲突。以禁戒处分为代表的保安处分不仅是典型的舶来制度,更是民国赶超式立法的代表。由于民国烟毒泛滥,着眼于社会长远发展的刑法典与回应社会迫切形势的刑事特别法在处置吸食烟毒犯罪方面存在尖锐对立。而禁戒处分在实践中有效平衡了两者之间的冲突。不过,由于民国时期国家能力的薄弱,禁戒处分在基层地区的实践往往不尽如人意,甚至被基层司法者滥用,以至于背离制度设计之目的。 For the past near one century, Chinese legal society discussed about security measures when the 1935's Penal Code was to be published and is discussing the same topic now after the abolishment of the reeducation through labor. By looking into the transplanting and practice of security measures during the period of Republic of China, we could find three pairs of contradictory relations among Chinese legal modernization and the impacts of those contradictory relations. We cannot avoid the topic of the conflict between Chinese and Western legal structures in studying Chinese legal reform in modem history. Security measures, which will be demonstrated by the example of compulsory abstinence of drugs, were typical legal systems came from foreign countries. Moreover, adopting security measures could reflect the purpose of overtaking western countries in the competition of legal reform. Because of the explosion of drug cases, the penal code, which focuses more on the long-term goal ,had obvious conflicts with special criminal laws, which focus more on the reaction of current situations. The practice of the compulsory abstinence of drugs successfully balanced those conflicts. However, this measurement was not able to perform well in local level due to the lack of state capacity. Local judiciaries even misused it, and brought out consequences that were contrary to the original purpose of legislation.

关 键 词: 保安处分 禁戒处分 烟毒案件 基层司法 国家能力


作者 陈佳林
作者 丰婷婷
作者 林楚生
作者 张春宁
作者 林慧敏


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚