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The connotation analysis and concept model of tourism industry ecologicalization

作  者: (鲁芬); (娄思元); (明庆忠); (朱韬);

机构地区: 昆明学院旅游学院,云南昆明650214

出  处: 《旅游研究》 2017年第5期22-30,共9页

摘  要: 尽管旅游产业是环境友好型和资源节约型产业,但是在旅游产业发展实践中仍然存在一些"非生态化"现象。"非生态化"是旅游产业的表象,是暂时性和阶段性的问题,生态化才是旅游产业的本质性、常态性和长效性特征。在厘清旅游产业生态化概念的基础上,重点分析了旅游产业生态化三个层面的内涵:意识层面的思想意识生态化、过程层面的行为生态化、结果层面的系统状态生态化,并根据内涵分析构建了旅游产业生态化评价的"IBC"概念模型,进而确定旅游产业生态化评价的内容体系。 The tourism industry, as an environmentally friendly and low resource condustry, is the best industry choice for promoting green development and ecological progressthere exist “non - ecological” phenomena in tourism industry; however, the authors hold that they arethe superficial, temporary and periodic problems, while the ecologicalization is the essential, normaland permanent feature of tourism industry. This paper focuses on analyzing the connotation three levels of tourism industry ecologicalization , including the ecologicalization of thoughts and awareness at the i-deological level,the ecologicalization of behavior at the process level and the ecologicalization of the state of system at the result level. Based on the analysis of connotation,“ IBC” Concept Model to eval-uate tourism industry ecologicalization is constructed, and the content system of tourism industry ecolog-icalization evaluation is thus confirmed.

关 键 词: 旅游产业生态化 内涵 旅游产业生态系统 生态化评价 概念模型




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