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On Ancestral Temples in Huizhou

作  者: (卞利);

机构地区: 南开大学历史学院,天津300350

出  处: 《中原文化研究》 2017年第5期114-121,共8页

摘  要: 祠堂是宗族祭祖、议事、管理和进行其他宗族活动的场所,也是族权的象征。作为徽州建筑中最具特色的公共建筑之一,祠堂在徽州的村落建筑中居于核心的地位。宋元时期,修建宗祠在徽州尚未形成一种普遍的社会现象,且多数祠堂还与家族庙宇连在一起。到了明嘉靖时期,徽州掀起了宗祠建设的高潮。此后,从万历时期一直到明末,徽州祠堂建设达到了一个高峰,表现为数量多、类型广、规模大、规格高等特点。到了清代,以盐商为代表的徽商再度崛起,在徽商、徽州籍官员和士绅的推波助澜下,康熙至乾隆、嘉庆时期,徽州又掀起了一次祠堂建设高潮。这既是徽商、徽州科第繁盛的一个集中反映,也是徽州宗族与社会繁荣发展的一个缩影。徽州宗祠的布局大多位于聚落的中轴线上,或是较为开阔的空间,或依山傍水而建,或地势相对较高处,建筑规制以三进五凤楼式砖木结构为主。徽州宗祠的布局和规制是历史上特别是明清以来徽州宗族报本追远、尊祖敬宗理念和实践的结晶。 The ancestral temple is the place for the clan to offer sacrifices to ancestors, discuss affairs , manage and conduct other clan activities , it ’ s also the symbol of the clan authority. As one of the most characteristic public buildings in Huizhou architecture, the ancestral temple is the core of Huizhou villages. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties,building ancestral temple wasn,t a common social phenomenon in Huizhou, and most of ancestral temples were connected with the family temples. In Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the construction of ancestral temples reached high tide in Huizhou. After that, from Wanli period to the end of the Ming Dynasty, the construction of ancestral temples in Huizhou reached a climax, characterized by large quantity, wide range, large scale and high specification. In Qing Dynasty, Huizhou merchants, represented by salt merchants rised again. From Kangxi period to Qianlong period and Jiaqing period,with the help of merchants, Huizhou officials and gentries, Huizhou embraced a peak of ancestral temples construction again. Which not only reflected the prosperity of Huizhou commerce and imperial examination, but also showed the prosperity and development of Huizhou clans and Huizhou society. Huizhou ancestral temples are mostly located in the axis or the wide and open village head, some were built near hills and rivers , some were built on higher places. The construction regulation of Huizhou ancestral temples was mainly ternary wufenglou type with brick and wood structure. The ancestral temple is the crystallization of concept and practice of ancestor worship by Huizhou clans in history, especially since the Ming and Qing dynasties.

关 键 词: 徽州 祠堂 布局 规制


作者 贺喜
作者 张筠
作者 赵会凯
作者 叶显恩
作者 李钢


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚