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The Exploration of The Old Qin River of the Yongji Canal During the Sui and Tang Dynasties

作  者: (陈隆文); (殷春华); (李妍芳);

机构地区: 郑州大学历史学院,河南郑州450001

出  处: 《中原文化研究》 2017年第5期98-105,共8页

摘  要: 永济渠沁河故道段是隋唐大运河的重要组成部分,具有沟通黄河与海河水系的水运功能。清代地方志文献明确记载,现代中原地区的东、西孟姜女河就是隋唐永济渠沁河故道的遗迹,其中东孟姜女河原为西孟姜女河支流。不仅如此,东、西孟姜女河沿线的地形条件、地质构造、入清水地点的选择等方面更进一步印证了以上观点。据此,隋唐永济渠的沁河故道,按今日之地理方位,应于武陟县东南从当时沁河下游主河道中分出,东北向沿共产主义渠,经武陟县毛庵、安庄至获嘉县后小召村,继而沿西孟姜女河走势,东北经获嘉县韩小营,行至延津县马村与东孟姜女河相接,末段沿着东孟姜女河的走势,东北经卫辉市焦家庄、贺生屯等村,最终于卫辉市西北汇入清水(卫河)。该条河线不仅利用了武陟东北最为低洼的古黄河背河洼地,而且顺此洼地东北行至清水南岸又有汲县断裂的存在。将古黄河背河洼地与此断裂连接在一起,自西南而来的沁河便能够沿此断裂汇入清水,最大程度地利用了沿线的自然地理条件,体现出古人的高超智慧。 The Old Qin River is an important part of the Grand Canal of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it can communicate the water transportation of Yellow River and Hai River. The local Chronicles of the Qing dynasty made clear that the east and west Meng Jiangnu River in the modern central plains were the ruins of the Old Qin River during the Sui and Tang dynasties. The East Meng Jiangnu River is a tributary of the West Meng Jiang River. Moreover, the above views are further confirmed by the topography conditions, geological structure in the West Meng Jiangnu River,and the selection of the confluence point between the Meng Jiangnu River and Qing River. The Old Qin River should be separated from the main channel downstream of the Qin River in the southeast of Wuzhi county, to northeast along the Communist Canal, flowing through the MaoAn and AnZhuang in Wuzhi County to Hou Xiaozhao in HuoJia County, and then moves along the West Meng Jiangnu River, northeast by Xiaoying, to Yanjin Mao Cun connected with the East Meng Jiangnu River; and then moves along the East Meng Jiangnu River, northeast by Jiaojia Zhuang, He Shengtun village , finally connected with the Qing River (Wei River) in the northwest of Weihui. The river line not only took advantage of the low-lying ancient Yellow River valley in the northeast of Wuzhi, but also the fracture of Jixian on the south shore of the Qing River. The best use of the natural geographical conditions along the line,reflecting the superior wisdom of our ancients.

关 键 词: 永济渠 沁水故道 西孟姜女河


作者 丁春华


机构 中山大学图书馆
机构 中山大学
机构 广东培正学院


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