作 者: (张勤);
机构地区: 浙江省地方志办公室
出 处: 《中国地方志》 2017年第8期6-15,共10页
摘 要: 20世纪末以来,记忆研究开始进入不同学科,带来新的研究视角,并产生显著影响。方志在承载人类记忆和构建社会记忆的过程中,发挥着重要的作用,同时受"记忆"的影响自身也在发生变化。但目前方志界尚未对方志与记忆的联系加以足够的关注与研讨。通过"记忆"概念的引介、相关研究的梳理,并对记忆视角下的史志研究及其实践意义作初步论述。 Since the end of the 20 th century,memory research started to appear indifferent academic fields,and brought new research perspectives and exerted remarkable influences. Local records,during the course of bearing the weight of human memories and constructing social memories,play important roles while experiencing changes itself under the influences of 'memory '. But currently,the local records circle has not yet paid enough attention and conducted adequate research and discussions on the connections between local records and memory. This article, attempts to introduce the concept of'memory',have an overview of related research,and make some preliminary comments on historical records research and its practical significance under the perspective of memory.