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Zhou Lvjing and the Ming Dynasty Poems and Essays Replying to Tao Yuanming's Works

作  者: (李剑锋); (石红英);

机构地区: 山东大学文学院,山东济南250000

出  处: 《苏州教育学院学报》 2017年第4期61-69,共9页

摘  要: 明代和陶、效陶诗文至少有一百六十八家,留存至今超过二十首(篇)拟陶、和陶、效陶作品的作家至少有二十六家。这些和陶诗,如果按照抒情言志自我成分之多少来划分,大致可以分为多我派和少我派,前者以表达自我感慨和胸怀为主,艺术成就较高。周履靖有《五柳赓歌》四卷,遍和陶诗及部分辞赋散文。其和陶诗多亦步亦趋之作,但气韵、意脉和语言畅达如水,表现出高度的模拟技巧;也偶有自我性情为主的作品。与陶渊明诗文相比,二者气象有狭隘和恢弘之别,艺术有滑熟和新颖之异。周履靖和陶在明代中后期山人隐士中具有典型意义,他的出现不是偶然的。第一,与明代晚期士人感于政治的腐败,转而内敛自守、自娱自适的社会思潮密不可分;第二,出于山人安顿隐逸生活的需要;第三,与复古思潮的影响分不开。周履靖和陶诗的得失值得深思。 During the Ming Dynasty, at least 168 people replied to and modeled after Tao Yuanming’s works, over 20 pieces of which remain to this day, and at at least 26 writers imitated, replied to and modeled after Tao Yuanming’s works. In terms of the extent to which the authors expressed the self-related emotions and ambitions, all the works replying to Tao Yuanming fall generally into the school with a heavy self-stress and the one with a lesser self-stress, and the former school largely expressed the thoughts and feelings of oneself and showed a higher level of artistic achievement. Zhou Lvjing wrote four volumes of Wuliu Gengge, which replied to all the poems of Tao Yuanming and part of Tao’s essays and prose works. Zhou’s replying works followed strictly Tao’s pattern, but they still demonstrate the smooth spirit, image and wording like fowing water, and show the author’s excellent imitation skills, while there are also occasional works that focusing on Zhou’s individuality. Compared with Tao’s poems and essays, Zhou’s works are narrow and Tao’s works are broad in terms of manner, and Zhou’s works are mellow and Tao’s works are original in terms of art. Zhou Lvjing’s replying works to Tao Yuanming are typical among the similar works written by the hermits during the middle and later periods of the Ming Dynasty. The emergence of Zhou was by no means incidental. This is first because scholars of the later Ming Dynasty lamented over the political corruption, and turned to a social climate that emphasized self-restraint, self-entertainment and self-adaption. Secondly, such works stemmed from the hermits’ reclusive lifestyles. Thirdly, they had a close relationship with the retro ideological trend. The strengths and weaknesses of Zhou Lvjing’s replying works to Tao Yuanming deserve careful discussion.

关 键 词: 周履靖 陶渊明 和陶诗 明代


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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系


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