作 者: (叶洪生);
机构地区: 《历史月刊》杂志社,台湾台北00251
出 处: 《苏州教育学院学报》 2017年第4期3-21,共19页
摘 要: 言情小说家郎红浣先生成名于1930年代,是开启台湾报刊武侠长篇连载的第一人。他通过艺术手腕将言情与武侠两种文类作有机的结合,并致力于描写满清八旗贵族生活之风貌;寓历史、言情、武侠、人情世故于一炉,成就独特,被誉为"开武侠小说新纪元"。其代表作《玉翎雕》《瀛海恩仇录》《莫愁儿女》《珠帘银烛》《剑胆诗魂》五部曲写三代英雄儿女悲欢离合的故事,时间跨越顺、康、雍、乾四朝,纵横大江南北,更远及边疆化外之地;格局壮阔,故事曲折,人物鲜活,足堪媲美王度庐之"鹤—铁"五部曲,对研究现当代台湾武侠小说之来龙去脉,具有一定的现实意义。 Lang Honghuan became famous for his romantic novels in the 1930s, and he was also the frst person who published serialized full-length martial arts novels in the newspapers and magazines in Taiwan. With his artistic skills, Lang combined the two literary genres of romanticism and martial arts tactfully, and dedicated himself to describing the lifestyles of the “Eight Banners” of the Qing Dynasty. He made his unique achievements by integrating history, romanticism, martial arts and ways of the world, and was renowned for “making a new epoch of martial arts novels”. Lang’s representative works include the fve series of Yuling Diao, Yinhai Enchoulu, Mochou Ernv, Zhulian Yinzhu and Jiandan Shihun, which told the life vicissitudes of three generations of heroes and heroines, and spanned chronologically through the reign of Emperors Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, and covered geographically from the North to the South, as well as regions across the border of China. The novels are characterized by grand and complex plots, and vivid characters, which are comparable with Wang Dulu’s five serial novels of “Crane-Iron”. Lang’s novels have the practical signifcance for studying the development of contemporary martial arts novels in Taiwan.