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Ecological function regionalization of Tarim River Basin

作  者: (邓铭江); (樊自立); (徐海量); (周海鹰);

机构地区: 新疆科学技术协会,新疆乌鲁木齐830054

出  处: 《干旱区地理》 2017年第4期705-717,共13页

摘  要: 生态功能区划为流域生态保护与修复提供重要的科学参考。而塔里木河流域由于缺少生态功能区划导致目前生态修复工程缺乏针对性,生态引水工程布局欠佳,以及生态修复和水资源管理的成效低下。为此,在对区域生态环境特征分析的基础上,将流域内不同区域的水文过程与生态结构、服务功能及生态环境敏感性相结合,依据生态功能区划原则、方法和指标体系,形成了塔里木河流域生态功能区划方案,即将该流域分为2个生态大区、4个生态区、28个生态亚区。研究成果不仅为流域实现水资源的优化配置和生态环境保护提供参考依据,也可为相似流域的生态功能区划研究提供示范和借鉴。 Ecological function regionalization is a comprehensive spatial division of geography,which is based on the spatial features of ecosystem,the dominant position of ecological function,ecological sensitivity,the stress of adverse factors,etc.It is basic works in studying the identification of ecological problems,the regional management of ecosystem and the regulation of protection and recovery strategies.The Tarim River was taken as a case,which is the longest inland river,located in the arid lands of southwest China.It has a variety of ecosystems,and its ecology is very fragile because of drought.Due to lack of ecological functional regionalization,layout and object of ecological rehabilitation project have no scientific basis,management and utilization of water resources is poor,and sustainable development is difficult to achieve.In this paper,the status of ecological environment,ecological sensitivity,ecosystem services function,and spatial differentiation were taken into account.And combining the hydrological processes and ecological structures,service function and ecological sensitivity of different regions,four principles are proposed,including regional differentiation of ecological process,similarity and variability of ecological region,,adaptation between landscape and hydrology process,coordination of watershed unit and ecological space.Then,according to the regionalization method and index system,the regionalization formation of the Tarim River Basin was worked out,and the ecological protection,construction emphasis,and measures of each ecological region were also recommended.The Tarim River Basin was divided into 2 ecological regions,4 ecological zones,and 28 ecological sub-regions.The ecological regions included the formation area of mountainous runoff and the consuming area of basin runoff,and the ecological zones included the ecological stability of the southern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,the ecological instability zone of the Pamir-Kunlun Mountains,the ecologically safe zone in the north of the b

关 键 词: 生态功能区划 塔里木河流域 生态保护


作者 谢建华
作者 尹丽萍
作者 公一兵
作者 郭世平
作者 杨宏伟


机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广州市社会科学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学国际学院东南亚研究所


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚