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Professor Liu Xiaoying's Experience in Treating the Pediatric Allergic Purpura of Excessive Heat Syndrome Based on Syndrome Differentiation

作  者: (王文产); (刘晓鹰);

机构地区: 湖北省中医院,武汉430061 湖北省中医药研究院,武汉430074

出  处: 《世界中医药》 2017年第8期1867-1869,共3页

摘  要: 小儿过敏性紫癜早期多为风热伤络证和血热妄行证,病理因素主要在于热,兼有风邪、血瘀,刘教授治疗其概括为治火、治风、治血,故早期治疗当以清热解毒、凉血祛风和活血化瘀为主,加以体外培育牛黄辅治,辨证施治疗效显著。 The common syndromes of pediatric allergic purpura in the early stage are syndrome of wind-heat injuring collaterals and syndrome of bleeding due to blood heat. Its pathological factors are mainly due to heat pathogen,accompanied by the pathogenic wind and blood stasis. Professor Liu's treatment experience can be summed up as removing heat wind and regulating blood and the treatment for early stage is in clearing away heat and toxic materials,clearing heat and expelling wind-dampness and detoxicating and promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis,accompanied with in-vitro cultivated calculus bovis,which receives remarkable curative effect based on syndrome differentiation.

关 键 词: 小儿过敏性紫癜 辨证施治 体外培育牛黄




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