作 者: (张萍); (郑建洲); (何洋洋); (潘静); (魏心波); (丛妍);
机构地区: 大连民族大学,辽宁大连116600
出 处: 《大学物理实验》 2017年第4期140-141,共2页
摘 要: 在近代物理实验课程中引入语码转换式双语教学,针对民族高校学生的特点进行了具体教学实践研究,分析了双语教学推进过程中的一些问题和解决方法。语码转换式双语教学对近代物理实验的教学起到了良好的辅助作用,对后续专业课程的学习亦有抛砖引玉之功。 Language code transfer bilingual teaching method has been introduced in Modem Physics Experi-ment in Dalian Minzu University.The teaching method is investigated based on the characterizations of ethnic higher education.Various key points are discussed during the application of bilingual teaching .Language code transfer bilingual teaching method benefits not only Modern Physics Experiment learning ,but also further major courses for the students.