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Management Engineering of Changdaban Ditch Debris Flow Model Test

作  者: (吴红刚); (陈小云); (李慈航); (庞伟军); (张乾翼);

机构地区: 中铁西北科学研究院有限公司,兰州730000

出  处: 《科学技术与工程》 2017年第22期16-21,共6页

摘  要: 泥石流是一种能够给人类造成严重灾难的地质灾害,近年来中国接连发生数次严重泥石流给人民的生命财产造成了严重损失,每年中国国土等部门均会投入大量的资金进行泥石流的治理。但是由于中国幅员辽阔,地形地质情况极为复杂,且泥石流的启动机制和破坏机制变幻莫测,受多种因素影响,截至目前,治理工程实施后又遭遇大型泥石流的工点很罕见,大量的治理工程的效果缺失后评价,造成前期的治理投入不能对后续的治理治理工程提供借鉴,国内外少见有针对工程实例,建设一次性的大比例模型试验,将工程实际效果与实验结果进行对比。通过将甘肃省肃南县长达坂沟泥石流的沟道以及治理工程按照1∶100的比例重现在实验室内,在拦挡结构上安装的力学传感器,同时监测泥石流的运动情况,分析了治理工程的受力模式及其拦挡效果。研究表明:(1)在模型试验中拦挡结构的拦挡效果良好,可以将大部分体积较大的固体物质拦下;(2)格宾-桩板墙拦挡结构应尽量设置在沟道转弯处,可以有效较少泥石流对拦挡结构的冲击力;(3)在转角较多的沟道内,泥石流在的冲击力会被极大的消散,甚至出现下游处拦挡结构的冲击力小于上游处的冲击力;(4)沟道转弯处泥石流冲起高度可能超过沟道而出现漫流,所以在沟道转弯处,若是沟道较浅,可以在沟道顶部加设拦挡墙体。 Debris flow is a kind of geological disasters can cause serious disaster to mankind,occurred in China in recent years several serious debris flow to the people's life and property caused serious loss,every year our homeland and other departments will invest a lot of money for landslide governance.But because our country is a large country,and topography and geology is very complex,and unpredictable,the startup mechanism and failure mechanism of debris flow are influenced by many factors,so far,after the government project implementation experience of large landslides worksite is very rare,a lot of the effect of the regulation project is missing after the evaluation,control investment cannot on subsequent effect of the early management regulation project for reference.This article through to the Gansu Province Suna County Daban long gully channel and treatment project according to a scale of1∶ 100 in the laboratory,through the configuration of mechanical sensor and monitoring debris flow movement analysis of the effect of governance and governance engineering mechanical model and its effect.The research shows that:(1) In the model test,the effect of the structure is good,therefore most of the large solid material can be stopped.(2) The structure should be set up as far as possible in the channel turning on,can be less the impact of the debris flow of structure effectively.(3) Within the corner more channel,the impact of the debris flow in would be great to dissipate,appear even downstream the impact of the structure under the impact of the upstream area.(4) Channel bend mudslides rushed up height may appear more than channel flowing,so the channel turning on,and if the channel shallow,can be set up on the top of the channel wall.

关 键 词: 泥石流 格宾 桩板墙 模型试验


作者 马小燕


机构 西藏民族大学文学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚