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The Optimization for Turbine Blade Forging Process Parameters Based on Grey Theory

作  者: (张丰收); (马有福); (降文鹤); (鲍斌斌);

机构地区: 河南科技大学机电工程学院,河南洛阳471003

出  处: 《机械设计与制造》 2017年第9期149-151,共3页

摘  要: 为了得到较好质量的汽轮机叶片锻件,以影响汽轮机叶片锻造成形过程的毛坯初始温度、模具预热温度、锻压速度、摩擦因数四个主要工艺参数作为研究对象,运用灰色系统理论对汽轮机叶片的锻造成形过程展开了以控制锻件变形均匀性为目标的优化设计。以锻压过程中锻件变形均匀的同时变形应力最小作为优化目标,得到了各工艺参数在不同水平下与变形均匀性和变形应力的关联系数和关联度,确定了一组工艺参数的优选组合。经试验验证,变形均匀性与变形应力分别下降了10.1%与8.8%左右,起到了优化作用。 To get the better quality forging piece of turbine blade, an optimization design on the controlling of the uniformity and forming force was performed based on grey theory. With the major processing parameters forging temperature, workpiece speed, forging speed, friction coefficient as the research subjects. The optimization design is aimed to promote the deformation uniformity as well as reduce the deforming force of the forge piece. Then, correlative coefficient and grey relation between processing parameters and optimizations were calculated, and the optimal combination of processing parameters was selected out. The experimental verify result shows that it has achieved a good result. The uniformity and deformation stress reduced 10.1% and 8.8% each.

关 键 词: 汽轮机叶片 锻造成形 变形均匀 变形应力 灰色系统理论 关联度




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